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from 04Feb to 29th at Café Nostalgica, 601 Cumberland on the Ottawa UNiversity campus


a retrospective of the past decade and a half of LACELLE’s art work.: tracing her various styles, forms and reincarnations. Her experimentations in ‘new’ art makes even these ‘old’ art pieces look contemporary.

the NEW:

prolific artist HELENE LACELLE has created a completely new set of collage images for showing at CAFÉ NOSTALGICA. Entitled – theOLDtheNEWtheMARVELOUS

LACELLE’s technique is rather unique in that she sees her ‘art ‘ on the canvas not in her head. In her collages, using old photos loaned from a German baroness as a central focus, she creates and enhances them into her personal ‘art’ by mixing in various images/styles from many sources that together form an overall effect of modernity i.e. new-ness. They are complex yet very simple, very effective.


continuing her collaboration with partner PETER EVANCHUCK on MARVELOUS REALISM CANADA, LACELLE has created new additions to the original abandoned homes photographs of EVANCHUCK. This portion of the exhibit is called ‘A DOLL’s HOUSE’

One Toronto critic referred to LACELLE as the NEON MATISSE of Canada due to her colourful, neon-like imagery. Self taught she has been making art all her adult life winning many awards, hanging in several galleries/art places in Canada and the U.S. with sales on line and around the world.

Former professor EVANCHUCK now devotes his time to filmmaking, photography, writing, curating. He has produced several feature films, scripts, books as well as many docs over his ongoing career.

The abandoned homes represented in MARVELOUS REALISM were shot last year in New Brunswick

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